South Asian Management Forum (SAMF) is a biennial conference organized by the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). The 15th SAMF is being hosted in Pakistan by the Sukkur IBA University (SIBAU), Association of Management Development Institutions in Pakistan (AMDIP) and University of Management and Technology (UMT). It will be held on September 27-29, 2019 at Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur, Pakistan.
The theme of 15th SAMF is “Challenges of Inclusive Growth and Sustainability: The South Asian Context”. South Asian populace need the management intellect to address the issues and problems those fall around the intersect of inclusive growth and sustainability. All three dimensions of inclusive growth: economic, institutional and social with a direct focus on sustainable development goals will be of interest.
15th SAMF invites the scholars, thinkers, researchers, academicians, practitioners, and business leaders to join the forum to share their philosophical thoughts, conceptualisation of ideas and empirical evidences. All scholarly work either in the shape of a well-structured research paper, manuscript, working paper, case study or a concept note may be submitted on following dimensions:
Event Speakers
Here are some of our speakers

Dr. Ishrat Hussain
Chief Guest

Dr. Farrukh Iqbal
Keynote Speaker

Prof. Nisar Ahmad Siddiqui
Chair 15th SAMF

Talib S. Karim
Guest of Honor

Lakshman R. Watawala
Chief Guest

Dr. Ziyaad Mahomed

Dr. Zaheer Anwer

Dilli Raj Sharma

Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro
Guest of Honor

Dr. Samantha Rathnayake

Mr. Ikhtiar Ahmed Khoso

Dr. Irum Saba

Ibrahim Hasan Murad
Guest of Honor

Dr. Sofia Anwer
Guest of Honor

Dr. Naveda Kitchlew

Dr. Muhammad Zeshan

Dr Hafeez ur Rehman

Dr. Abdullah Ludeen

Dr. Muhammad Zaki Rashidi

Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder

Dr. Zahoor Khan

Dr. Nabila Asghar

Dr. Waqar Akram
Manager 15th SAMF

Dr. Usman Raja

Dr. Niaz Ahmed Bhutto

Dr. Mahananda Chalise

Dr.Mohammad Nishat

Dr. Jawad Qureshi

Dr. Imtiaz Arif

Dr. Ihtsham UL Haq Padda

Dr. Mir Muhammad Shah

Dr. Naeem- UZ- Zafar

Memoona Zareen
Conference Manager 15th SAMF
Challenges of Inclusive Growth and Sustainability: The South Asian Context
- Theoretical Models for growth and development
- Concept of inclusive growth and measurement
- Framework for inclusive economic growth
- Global and regional dimension of growth & sustainability
- Export-led growth and sustainability
- Contracts and market regulations
- Economic dimensions of CPEC and South Asia
- Financial institutions
- Micro fundamentals of macro growth
- Physical capital, human capital and long-term growth
- Savings, investment and growth
- Taxation system
- Fiscal deficit
- Central bank
- Servicing
- Monetary Policy
- Stock Market
- Regional and Imbalanced growth
- Banking and Finance
- Financial Inclusion
- Financial Innovation, Fintech & Branchless Banking
- Role of Governance
- Evaluation of interventions
- Institutions – capacity and role
- Role of private sector and corporate social responsibility
- Indigenous rights
- Creating social cohesion
- Building peace in the pursuit of justice
- Institutional and organizational diversity
- Impactful leadership
- Global commerce
- Community diversity and governance
- Gender equity and Interfaith harmony
- Immigration/Refugees
- Social citizenship and cohesion
- Education and learning in a world of differences
- Inclusive education
- Role of educational institutions in growth
- Collaborative education
- Quality assurance in education
- Research and development
- Education and digitalization
- Man, machine, big data and institutional decision making
- Artificial intelligence
- Social safety nets
- Entrepreneurship and venture creation
- Social security and skill development
- Microfinance and Microcredit Minorities’ rights
- Survival and existence
- Promotion and protection of the identities
- Human rights
- Peace & violence
- Education
- Employment
- Health
- Poverty
- Migration
- Diversity and inclusion
- Peace & violence
- Social justice
- Tolerance
- Multiculturalism
- Gender Equity
- Women empowerment
- Equality index, Glass ceiling
- Social and organizational harassment
- Gender specific barriers and work opportunities
- Conditional and Unconditional safety nets
- Social citizenship and cohesion
Tentative Schedule 15 SAMF
Here is our event schedule
27 September, 2019
- Registration of Participants
- Recitation of Holy Qur'an and National Anthem
- Opening Remarks by Manager - 15th SAMF, Reflection on AMDISA & AMDIP
- Welcome Address by Prof. Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui, President AMDIP, Vice President AMDISA
- Address by Mr. Talib S. Karim, Vice President AMDIP
- Dr. Dharni Sinha Memorial Lecture by Dr. Abdu Rab
- Dr. Hasan Sohaib Murad Memorial Lecture by Dr. Ishrat Hussain
- Address by Lakshman R. Watawala, Ex-President AMDISA (Chief Guest)
- Distribution of Souvenirs and Group Photo
- Tea Break
- Keynote Address by Dr. Farrukh Iqbal
- Vice Chancellor Forum
- Lunch and Prayer Break
Panel Discussion 1: Technological Transformations and Sustainable Development |
- Parallel Sessions
- Networking Tea
- Book Launch Ceremony: The Economy of Modern Sindh - Dr. Ishrat Hussain
- Gala Dinner and Cultural Show
28 September, 2019
- Recitation of Holy Qur'an
- Opening Remarks by Engr. Zahid Hussain Khand
- Keynote Speech: Dr. Tughral Yamin
Panel Discussion 3: South Asian Quality Assurance System (SAQS): Significance, Opportunities & Experiences |
- Tea Break
Panel Discussion 4: Inclusive Growth, Financial Inclusion and the Role of Islamic Finance |
- Parallel Sessions
- Lunch
- Parallel Sessions
Panel Discussion 2: Significance of Cross Country Research Collaborations in South Asia: Experience and Prospects @ Auditorium Panel Discussion 3: Local Entrepreneurship: A key to Inclusive Growth and Sustainability - Opportunity to Prosperity @ Room # 106, AB - II |
- Closing Remarks by Dr. Niaz Ahmed Bhutto
- Distribution of Souvenirs, Certificates and Prizes
Organizing Partners